Coinvolgenti e stupefacenti – Stefano Zardini

Coinvolgenti e  stupefacenti ; non sapremmo con quali altre parole descrivere i report fotografici che Stefano Zardini ha presentato nella seconda serata di Autunno con la Fotografia. Situazioni drammatiche e forti, emozioni, descrizioni di mondi difficili da raggiungere e, soprattutto, da raccontare: attraverso i suoi lavori si è potuto ”entrare” in realtà lontane che forse solo la fotografia riesce veramente a descrivere. Complimenti a Stefano, ma complimenti anche al nostro pubblico, che ormai tradizionalmente ci dona il “pienone” , dimostrando sempre grande attenzione e sensibilità per gli autori e per il nostro impegno.
Stefano Zardini: Curriculum



2 risposte so far.

  1. Tassilyn scrive:

    Great inshtig. Relieved I’m on the same side as you.

  2. Open scrive:

    I recall Bucky’s teinllg us we are in outer space, and earth is our ship. While his production may have been uneven, functionally – in a utilitarian sense, one can’t accuse him of having a normal mind; his argument for the distinction of brain and mind (in his Operation Manual for Spaceship Earth), his redoing of the Lord’s Prayer and other poems (Intuition), and other writings suggest something happened, some self-wising, scientific epiphany, that correlated to his discovery that he might use his experience and knowledge to help the world. Around the same time, John Cage, a Fuller fan, produced his masterpiece “How To Improve the World (You Will Only Make Matters Worse)” (A Year from Monday). In those days it was important to believe not so much that one could change the world, but that one could change one’s life, one’s own world – through drugs, science, literature, the creation of a personal myth – that one didn’t have to play the earth one was given, but could partake in the creation of a wholly new earth. In any case, whatever it is, or was, one could only do it oneself, as in “do-it-yourself.” The terminology continues to flummox, as does the sentence structure – he’s the Henry James of science.

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